Developing Mental Toughness For Permanent Weight Loss.

Every day we are surround with people and food temptations that will try sabotage your effort to lose co robic na silowni. This is why losing weight is so difficult and depressing. There are so many diets and exercise programs out there; however,Guest Posting none of them will ever work for you not mentally ready to change your life.


If you have been unable to lose weight, chances are, you were not mentally tough enough. Why believe me? Because, I am a Doctor and a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist? That is one good reason. But more importantly, I have been there.


Tony Robbins said,”If you want to succeed in any aspect of life, find someone who has already succeeded in that area, and do what they did to get there.” Here are some mental techniques I used which ultimately helped me to finally lose weight and keep it office. I am confident that is you apply they techniques, you to will succeed in your quest to lose weight.


I know you have heard this over and over, and over. But did you every actually do it? If you want to really change your life and lose the weight, this time, write down your goals. In fact, lets take it a litter further. I am sure this is not your first attempt to lose weigh.


I am sure you tried some other program or “diet” before and for some reason it did not work. The first thing I want to say is, “good job”. Not good job for failing in the past, good job for trying again. This is a little off the subject, and we will get into this more late.


However, anyone who has successful lost weight and kept it off failed on some other program. The difference is, they never gave up. So, good job on continuing your quest to lose weight. I know you can do it. Now back to your goals. I want you to write down why you failed in your past attempts to lose weight.


Did you lack time, motivation, direction, what was it? Now write down all the negative things about your life, which are related to your weight. What will your life be like if you do not lose the weight and keep living the way you are living.


Are you missing out truly enjoying life because of your weight? My kids wanted me to play with them in the pool at their year-end little league pool parties. Do you think I wanted all those parents to see big old gut? No way! I let my kids down.


They did not care that I was fat. They just wanted to play with their dad in the pool. I let my kids down and missed out on enjoying my kids. What about you? If you keeping living the way you are living, what will you miss out on?


Write down all the bad things that are associated with your weight. Are you missing out on relationships? Are you worried about your health? Are you worried about dying early? Do you want to see your children get married? To be perfectly honest, obesity is currently the second leading cause of preventable death in the United States, just behind smoking.


If you are overweight, you have a very good chance of dying earlier than you should. Write this stuff down. The goal here is to make your self feel bad, real bad.

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